Personal Projects

Theatre 2020: Different Doors
When COVID-19 forced all of the theatres to close their doors for the foreseeable, I felt like I lost a part of myself.
Unable to photograph theatrical performances, I decided to photograph theatres themselves. I wanted to draw attention to the beautiful facades of the venues, who's thresholds were no longer able to be crossed. Forced to close, by law, for the first time in history. For many, immortalising shows that would sadly never return to their stages.
Theatrical History.
Theatre 2020: Going Dark
'The instruments of darkness, tell us truths,'
After photographing and highlighting the closed venues during the day, I ventured out to capture the venues magic at night.
Prime examples of how lighting changes everything. Technological advancements created for theatrical lighting have made it into our modern day lives. The Savoy Theatre in London was the first building in the world to be lit entirely by electricity in 1881, (by Joseph Swan, who like me, is from the North East).
He was then commissioned to make miniature lights for the dresses for the dresses of the fairies, in Gilbert and Sullivan's Lolanthe. The dresses were adorned with lights and powered by battery packs concealed in the folds on the dressed - this was in 1882!!